
Select a topic below.

  1. Apache error: Invalid command 'LayoutMerge'
  2. Blank page or white page (or logo only) during installation
  3. Can I pass affiliate codes to iPanel and have it record them?
  4. Can i use one license on multiple installs?
  5. CAPTCHA images don't appear (or display as red X's)
  6. Could not connect to your database server (during installation)
  7. cPanel Fails to Create Accounts
  8. CPanel operations (and/or "Validating account details") never complete
  9. Encountering unexplainable errors, or errors fixed in a prior version
  10. Encryption setup error: Key generation failed: OpenSSL private key generation failed
  11. Encryption setup error: Key generation failed: GPG returned result code 127
  12. Error "Lost connection to MySQL server during query"
  13. Error "No applicable account packages selected" when approving accounts
  14. Error opening httpd.conf during forced ads cron job
  15. Error "Permission denied: make_sock: could not bind to address" during forced-ads cron job
  16. Error "Segmentation fault" during forced-ads cron job
  17. Error when adding server:
  18. Event log: Received a valid non-payment IPN notification.
  19. Forced ads are causing problems with customers' PHP scripts
  20. Forced ads aren't showing up on sites
  21. How can I add new TLDs to iPanel/iHost?
  22. How can I ensure that my custom templates won't be overwritten when upgrading?
  23. How do i edit the templates with my own design?
  24. How do I link directly to a package in iPanel v3.5+ or iHost 2.5+?
  25. I am getting a invalid license message
  26. I applied a manual payment for an order but it's still showing as Awaiting Payment
  27. I can't edit the ads in the ads editor
  28. I have placed/paid for/approved an order but it's stuck in "Provisioning" status
  29. I only have a reseller account can i still use ipanel?
  30. I see "401 Forbidden", "404 Not Found", or "500 Internal Server Error" when accessing iPanel/iHost in my browser
  31. I see "No input file specified" in my browser when launching iPanel/iHost
  32. Inactivity scanner shows no accounts
  33. Integrating third-party affiliate systems with iPanel/iHost
  34. Intermittent lost PayPal payment notifications
  35. iPanel/iHost is not creating accounts in my control panel
  36. iPanel/iHost is sending out multiple emails
  37. Login page refreshes with no errors upon login
  38. Long delay (or timeout) after submitting account details on order form
  39. My customers are not recieving emails
  40. My iPanel/iHost cron job is not running! Why is this?
  41. My Paypal payments are not registering in the system
  42. One of my accounts is long past due but has not been suspended
  43. Parameter Error is displayed upon payment with 2CheckOut
  44. PHP Notices from cron job
  45. Plesk Account Creation Failed: template does not exist
  46. Private Nameservers
  47. Problems with web/mail/DNS configuration of provisioned accounts
  48. Segmentation fault error
  49. Site error: the file requires the ionCube PHP Loader ioncube_loader
  50. Upgrading license from trial
  51. Username already exists in CPanel
  52. Warning: dl() [function.dl]: Temporary module name should contain only filename
  53. Warning: session_start ... Permission denied
  54. What template variables are available in xyz.tpl?