Master Relaying (IceCast)
The Master Relaying tab includes options for setting up a master relay from another IceCast server. Using Master Relay, the remote IceCast server essentially becomes the source for the client's server, and all of the mount points from the remote server are made available on the client's server.
Options include:
Master server
Specifies the hostname or IP address of the master server whose stream(s) the client wants to relay.Master port
Specifies the port number of the master server whose stream(s) the clietn wants to relay.Master update interval
Specifies the interval at which the remote stream's configuration is replicated to the local server.Master username
Specifies the username required by the remote server for relaying.Master password
Specifies the password required by the remote server for relaying.Relay on demand
If enabled, the client's IceCast server will only connect to the remote IceCast server when one or more listeners are connected, and it will disconnect from the remote server when there are no more listeners. If disabled, the client's IceCast server will remain connected to the remote server and continue receiving the stream even if no listeners are connected.Enabling this setting may reduce unnecessary bandwidth usage, but may slightly increase the time required to begin streaming when the client's first listener connects.