sc_trans2 output version option

Read 26244 times
There is a nasty little bug in sc_trans2 which causes problems for listeners who listen through winamp.  The setting is in the config file and listed as the following.


By default centova builds streams with this set to 3 which causes issues with winamp listeners.  If this gets adjusted to 1 it corrects that error because it forces sc_trans2 to use a sc1 protocol.

This can be manually edited in the raw config but it's a huge pain that we have to resort to raw config.  It would be nice if we had a drop down box under the autodj portion where we could specify the outprotocol so that we could roll this into our templates as well as easily adjust it.  Things like this adjustment make my job as an owner a lot more difficult than it needs to be.  While I have a smart staff it's tiny things like this in the raw config that they forget about and i end up having to help them fix.

Please consider this for implementation this would be very useful.
I had the same problem myself. Winamp stops after a few seconds. By setting this value to 1 the problem was solved.
Thanks so much!!!
how do we change this? I was looking for the file and can't find it.
how do we change this? I was looking for the file and can't find it.

Log into the Shoutcast v2 account, click on Settings > Raw Configuration (on the right side), Select sctrans2, look for outprotocol_1=3   change the 3 to a 1, click the "Save changes" icon.  Stop / Start the stream.

It should look like this:
Stream and Web Hosting
Okay Thank you. I went and logged into both streemi and centova cast page and i don't see the raw config under settings. I guess i went to the wrong page. Can you please let me know where I need to go.
Last Edit: March 29, 2016, 04:42:21 am by briben1976
Step 1:  Click on "Settings" in the Centova Cast panel.

Step 2:  On the bottom right corner, is a "Raw Configuration" button.
(If you are unable to view this button, you might have it disabled?)

Step 3: Select sctrans2

Step 4: Edit the line : outprotocol_1=3   change the 3 to a 1

Step 5:  Click the "Save configuration" button.

Step 6:  Stop server, then restart.
Stream and Web Hosting
Okay i must have it disabled. How do i enable it?
If you are logged in as "admin", you should be able to view the button regardless.  However, if you are not an admin, your host would need to enable the Raw Config option for you.

Also if you have access to the etc folder..


You can edit the source.conf file as well...  Still would need to stop and restart the stream though.
Stream and Web Hosting
I use the website to access Centova Cast. I set up this account so I imagine I have admin access.
I use the website to access Centova Cast. I set up this account so I imagine I have admin access.

I meant as in actually logging in as "admin" to Centova Cast.  So if you are logging in as "admin" username, then you should be able to access  the Raw Configuration.
Stream and Web Hosting
I am using the username they sent me in the email. If I type admin and then my password it tells me my username is invalid.
That just means you are not admin of the server, as stated before, if you are not the admin, you will need to contact your host, and either 1. Have them change it for you  or 2. Have them enable "Raw Configuration" for you so you can change it.

Those are the only 2 ways, since you do not have admin/root access.
Stream and Web Hosting
I guess I wont be doing this then since it wont allow me to log in at to contact the support people, lol.
You dont log into You log into your Centova Cast Panel. 

Contact your Stream host, they place where you purchased your stream from

Whoever you got this from:
Stream and Web Hosting is where i ordered it. I sent them a email about it. maybe they can change it or atleast allow me access to be able to do it.