sc_trans2 output version option

Read 23606 times

By default centova builds streams with this set to 3 which causes issues with winamp listeners.

There is indeed a bug to this effect in the current version of DNASv2 which Radionomy has fixed for the next release of DNASv2.

Bear in mind that:

1) This bug does not affect all streams, so you should not make this change unless your users are actually reporting this problem; for example, I myself have not seen this issue on any of our own DNASv2 servers when using Winamp.

2) Making this change (setting outprotocol_x to 1) *will* break several features of DNASv2, including the ability to use multiple mount points.  This will result in unexpected/unpredictable behavior in Centova Cast and/or DNASv2.  If you encounter any problems with Centova Cast or your stream after making this change, we won't be able to provide technical support unless you change outprotocol_x back to 3 and the problem persists.

For reason #2 above, we will NOT be adding a configurable option to change the protocol via the Centova Cast interface.  We are, however, about to push out a new build that will retain any changes to the outprotocol_x setting across configuration updates so that you don't need to reapply this change every time you update your settings.