Centova tells me that it is an issue with the server, yet my server provider won't do anything because it has 3rd party software on it. GRrrrrrrrr.
I am finding a TON of files titled logrotate_local.rotate.2013-05-10.18454.lastresult.
the Dates are different per Log.
this is the content of most of them
/bin/ls: cannot access /dh/lighttpd/servers: No such file or directory
httpd-argon : begin rotate
httpd-argon : checking pid file (server_version apache2)...
httpd-argon : pid check passed
asapcpu.com : *** need to rotate logs
rotating 1 domains
httpd-argon : reloading apache (1368256140)
Reloading httpd-argon...USR1.
httpd-argon : checking pid (need 5 passes)httpd-argon : checking pid file (server_version apache2)...
httpd-argon : pid check passed
1, httpd-argon : checking pid file (server_version apache2)...
httpd-argon : pid check passed
2, httpd-argon : checking pid file (server_version apache2)...
httpd-argon : pid check passed
3, httpd-argon : checking pid file (server_version apache2)...
httpd-argon : pid check passed
4, httpd-argon : checking pid file (server_version apache2)...
httpd-argon : pid check passed
httpd-argon : passed 5 pid checks
I am feeling like I am getting the run around on both sides.Any help is appreciated