Centova Cast is using an expired license key

Read 86933 times
Its worth pointing out that the dirty fix breaks causes odd statistics to be displayed in the control panel (understandably) and the code snippets report incorrect track / listener info.

Best of a bad situation though really. At least with this dirty fix the clients can use their radio servers again.
i can not use this fix because i´m using a VPS...

Has anyone had any response Centova?
I find it very irresponsible on their part not to offer support to the problems they have generated
This is pretty unfortunate. I spent half the day troubleshooting this problem...and it turns out an issue on Centova side. Not the way that I like to spend my time.

I really hope that Centova addresses this issue QUICKLY ( I did submit a ticket)...and response to all of us by making changes so that something like this never happens again.

How the system is setup now...if they go out of business or their server has problems or is down....we all lose.
ERR This installation of Centova Cast is using an expired license key. Please contact an administrator for assistance. .

I hope this gets sorted asap as even I cannot gain access to my panel, I have tried to manual update my licence using the licenseupdate.php and my key to no avail, this has been going on for over two weeks now and I am getting serious grief from my customers, once in a while to seem to reissue the licence then fails again.

Some customers have feeds still running but cannot access their statistics which are required for their weekly reporting reports.

I have had no issues with Centova as a rule until Steve announced the launch of his Beta 3 panel then all hell seems to have broke lose with absolutely no response to stuff on this forum or tickets raised. NOT good public PR if you ask me.

I am seriously now considering an alternative package as I feel this all now seems very much a one man band operation!
I am seriously now considering an alternative package as I feel this all now seems very much a one man band operation!

Good luck  :-\ Cast control is the only real competitor we have found and its pretty clunky. Centovacast is by far the best out there. Would love to hear if you find anything else.
Same problem here. 2 servers OFF and dozen of customers very upset and other LOST.
I don't know what think about this issue...
I'm very worried about this problem.
I have dedicated servers. Do you think that changing back the system time can resolve partially waiting Steve to get us an answer?
We have other 6 licence. They are still working at the moment... but I have fear for them in the next close hours...
Newradio Streaming & Radio Tools
have the same problem and no response from centovacast  >:( >:( >:(
Same problem here!!!

Not Happy!!!
I ran the command and got the output below, so it looks OK ??
But I still get that error when trying to access the cp. Licence has expired??

root@server3 [~]# sudo -u centovacast /home/centovacast/system/runascc/runascc exec ccmanage cronjob all --debug
INF License reissuance forced; renewing license information (this may take a few moments) ...
OK Key updated; new renewal date: 2011-04-29 03:05:43

DATE/TIME ON MY SERVER IS: Sat Apr 30 19:25:29 EST 2011

Date is newer then license expire.. You need to set back your date on your machine.. Then it should work again
I have dedicated servers. Do you think that changing back the system time can resolve partially waiting Steve to get us an answer?

Yes, it should sort it out temporarily although it is a dirty fix and will most likely cause inconsistencies in your logs and incorrect stats but its better than the control panel going off.

I feel everyones pain, we probably lost a fair few clients because of this... Heres hoping for the speedy return of Steve...
I think Steve will have to change the license system in the future.
Is not possible to work in this way. Same thing happen about 18 months ago but the issue was for 2 days.
I have 8 annually licenses and all my business is based on Centova.
I'm very upset.
Newradio Streaming & Radio Tools
My guess is it wont been seen / addressed by centova until monday, which is pretty disappointing.
The  autodj  is working but not  the playlist 

Is a temporie solution  to creat  a playlist   via  autodj (winamp  edcast  nicecast sam) but is not  the right solution 
You need to change your system date to before 2011-04-29 03:05:43 and then run :

sudo -u centovacast /home/centovacast/system/runascc/runascc exec ccmanage cronjob all --debug

WARNING: This dirty fix may have unforeseen issues on other services on the server.

I ran the command and got the output below, so it looks OK ??
But I still get that error when trying to access the cp. Licence has expired??

root@server3 [~]# sudo -u centovacast /home/centovacast/system/runascc/runascc exec ccmanage cronjob all --debug
INF License reissuance forced; renewing license information (this may take a few moments) ...
OK Key updated; new renewal date: 2011-04-29 03:05:43

DATE/TIME ON MY SERVER IS: Sat Apr 30 19:25:29 EST 2011
