Where can I find hosting services using Centova Cast?


I am an end-user looking for stream hosting. Where can I find hosting services using Centova Cast?


As a rule, Centova Technologies does not make recommendations about hosting providers (both for liability reasons and in the interest of simple fairness). We strongly recommend that you do your own research and find a reputable provider that has good reviews in the community. One source for reviews is the Web Hosting Talk forums.

If you have a specific provider in mind, search for them by name on WHT and read any reviews that may have been posted. This should give you an idea of the reputation, quality of service, and level of support offered by the provider.

If you do not have a particular hosting provider in mind, you may wish to simply search for "Centova Cast" using the forum search feature to find stream hosting providers using Centova Cast. After reading a few reviews, you should be able to make an informed decision about the best provider to suit your needs.

Keep in mind that there are no guarantees in hosting -- even the best providers occasionally experience downtime -- but by doing your research in advance using sites like WHT and others, you should be able to reduce the risk involved in choosing a hosting provider.