Creating Accounts via API

Read 11814 times
I'm trying to connect to the Centova Control Panel remotely via Centova API from the Second Life.

My device sending to the Centova API a string (HTML over HTTP):
[12:49:39] Centova Vendor Test: Sending test query
[12:49:39] Centova Vendor Test: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><centovacast><request class="system" method="provision"><password>1234567</password><username>test</username><adminpassword>testing1</adminpassword><sourcepassword>testing</sourcepassword><title>stream hosting</title><organization></organization><url></url><email></email><usesource>2</usesource><autostart>1</autostart><template>P01</template></request></centovacast>

The password in the above string is correct and I can login to the Centova Control Panel manually via my browser with this password

The Centova API replies with a string:
[12:34:35] Centova Vendor Test: Centova error => Invalid username or password

Please advise what I'm doing wrong.