Has anyone heard of a possible update coming?

Read 14676 times
Hey everyone, was wondering if anyone has received word on if a possible update is coming fairly soon? I haven't had any major errors with Centova but really wish updates were a bit more frequent.
305 Stream, Inc.
Miami, FL USA
Professional Streaming Services www.305streamhd.com
I agree with you about the updates
I would also like more access to the code but I know that's not going to happen.
Centova is still the best option for an all in one program
Tommy TBones
Broadcasting Indie Music since March 1999
Hey everyone, was wondering if anyone has received word on if a possible update is coming fairly soon? I haven't had any major errors with Centova but really wish updates were a bit more frequent.

There was an announcement about 10 weeks ago that they were working on an update. It's been 13 years since SC was probably the best software for streaming, but there are still a few things missing... I've been using https://streaming.center/ for more than 8 years now and I'm very happy with it, especially in terms of managing and automatically starting playlists.
Centovacast v3.0.0rc2 - Shoutcast 2+ - Debian 6 64Bit (dedicated server)