Alternative Centos...

Read 7372 times
Hi, I need do a new installation but I don't want use Centos 8, at the end of year finish the support, also the other distribution not are supported... You know a OS that can support it?

thank you
Cloudlinux has announces an real centos alternate. Which was based on it.
Maybe it was you searching for:
You can still use CentOS7 it have 2024 as EOL
I've been using Ubuntu 18.04 and just updated my server to 20.04.
I use Ubuntu because it is more friendly to multimedia delivery and takes less time to set up.
In my 24 years of broadcasting online I've used RedHat/Fedora Centos6/7 and 4 years ago switched to Ubuntu and the reason I switched is that Ubuntu provides more auto install programs designed for multimedia.
Tommy TBones
Broadcasting Indie Music since March 1999