Custom Themed

Read 38261 times
hey everyone. I just wanted to show this...

we have redesigned the theme and we are adding more changes as well. we are working on the layout as well but this is what we have so far.
very nice, I like the purple and black and after seeing what you did I'm thinking I'll do my CCast in Yellow and Black which are my logo colors.  8)

Tommy TBones
Broadcasting Indie Music since March 1999
Wow that's real nice!
Nice! Love the look  :)

Gives me some ideas!!!
what you did is very simple, it does not change anything. And being a graphic designer I can tell you that it is HORRIBLE.
I know this post is old but after seeing the video would be pretty neat if Centova were to add a dark mode / light mode option in a future update.
305 Stream, Inc.
Miami, FL USA
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