Sound Exchange Compliant Reporting

Read 4984 times
Will Centova Cast 3.0 have a Sound Exchange compliant report generator that could export an excel sheet to report music royalties in the US?  Thanks
v3.0 will have the same report spreadsheet generator that the current version has.
Hi Steve,

Is this any closer to being added to the v3 beta?

I notice there is some reporting enabled but the performance and playlist archives aren't available and it's those which my clients need in order to submit the Sound Exchange/PPL returns.

The new features in v3 are fantastic and I can't wait to migrate my users on to it, but just need the reporting side enabling.

Many thanks,

Is this any closer to being added to the v3 beta?
Please see my reply above -- again, it's already there.
It it that I haven't run the server for over a month that the reports aren't yet showing then?

If that's the case then that's fine.

Many thanks,

Yes that's correct.