Forum rules

Read 26077 times
This forum is for the discussion of all types of Centova Cast v3 customizations.  This includes plugins, event scripts, API clients, themes, UI tweaks, and any other modifications that might be useful to other Centova Cast users.

Developers of these types of Centova Cast modifications are welcome to post and advertise them here, provided that they are available free of charge.

Forum rules:
  • Prior to posting a question regarding Centova Cast customization, please consult the Centova Cast Internals Reference for documentation and reference materials, and the Custommizations section of the Centova Cast knowledge base for answers to common questions.
  • Keep threads on-topic.  Do not post to an existing thread to report a different issue ("threadjacking").  Posts that are not directly related to a thread will be deleted without warning.
  • Your question may have already been asked -- please use the "Search" link (above and to your right) to search the forums before posting.
  • With the exception of promoting your freely-available Centova Cast customizations, advertisements of any kind are prohibited.
  • This forum (like all of our forums) is not regularly monitored by technical staff and there is no guarantee of a reply here.  If you need a reply from Centova Support, please do not post here -- contact us directly instead.
  • Derogatory/inflammatory/complaint posts will be removed, as will posts containing libelous, defamatory, illegal, misleading, adult-oriented, or otherwise damaging content.  In short, just play nice!
