Official - DNAS 2.2.1 now available!!!

Read 39158 times

I put in a support ticket to have centova update my DNAS (I paid for them to install centovacast).  They replied and said we need to vote on this?

Not sure why this needs to be voted on as its a official release and most stable version of DNAS.  This should be an automatic update via centovacast.

Anyway.. Please vote for this.
voted...  would love to have v2.2.x
CrossFire-Hosting LLC.
I vote 1000 times as i speak for my clients.

CrossFire-Hosting, LLC
So if i understand right this version must be come within centova update and can not be integrated self?

May anyone can share information how to update if possible?
Is as simple as replacing sc_serv file. You can do this simply using WinSCP as SFTP client :)
You will get stability but you wont get all new DNAS settings until Centova won't update their  config builder.
So Steve, when Control Panel will full support SHOUTcast 2.2.1 ?
Need more than 11 votes to get their attention :D
CrossFire-Hosting LLC.
2.2.1 Is out and able to be updated to. HOWEVER IT IS NOT STABLE. We are having Problems with them restarting a Few every 5 minutes and a batch of streams every 12 hours. This is not a good thing as you can assume.

And you should read this. Even though this is not fully what our problem is. This is a small part of it

From Centova Cast Support

There seems to be an issue which is caused by improper handling of accented characters (like ú ç ü ã é ó) causing Shoutcast2 to crash. Please note that this is a Shoutcast2 / sc_trans2 issue, so we are not able to fix it because we are not the developers of those two, but we are trying to find a workaround this though.

We got in touch with the lead developer of the SHOUTcast toolset at AOL/Nullsoft about this (and other bugs) a few days ago. He said he has been moved to Winamp development by the management at AOL, and has no idea when he might be given more time to work on the SHOUTcast toolset. He said he'd really like to do so, but management is saying no despite the many known bugs in the current versions of DNAS2/sctrans2.

Most likely the only way to deal with this would be for enough users to start complaining to AOL/Nullsoft, as it's the management at AOL/Nullsoft that need to be convinced to dedicate time to fixing this. Unfortunately Winamp makes them a lot more money than SHOUTcast DNAS, so that's why they're focusing on Winamp development.

In the meantime, we suggest that you avoid using files containing these types of characters in their ID3 tags.

Your clients server has the following problematic file: Diablo 2 - Roger and me.mp3
It's metadata contains some weird characters, like: §£¡ÐËR'§ §¡GHT ÅÑÐ §ØÛÑÐ

As soon as the client removed these characters from the ID3 tags the server did in fact stop restarting.
Centova Technologies Inc.
the problem with accented characters is supposedly fixed in 2.2.1

we did receive some reports of 2.2.1 crashing with no apparent reason and with nothing relevant recorded in the log files. there are also many reporting 2.2.1 to be working great for them, so maybe the problem with the crashes has different roots than the shoutcast software itself
Last Edit: January 20, 2014, 03:22:24 pm by AlexiuB
Thats weird. I had more problems using DNAS 2.0 which was crashing without any reason (character were fine) in diferent time periods. Whe I've changed it to 2.2.1 everything seems to be wonderfully fine ;)
and i would appreciate not being mis-quoted on things as i don't know when asapcpu received that response but it's not correct if it was in the last few days as i've had zero contact with anyone from Centova for a few months now with the last thing being a notification of the v2.2.1 release which never received a response. and specifically that message relates to things which i said to Steve _over_ a year ago.

as for the DNAS crashing (which based on what i heard up to the end of the year was massively down compared to what v2.0 DNAS was doing), it'd be helpful to run it under a debugger to try to get some information on the crash that way. as well as what OS version and bit-type and listener numbers at the time (as it's noted in the known issues for it that at high peak / sustained loads it can crash).

so just because it's crashing for some, doesn't mean it's going to crash for all as per 'yeinu' (your experience is not universal) but on the whole, v2.2.x is a far better option to be running compared to a v2.0 setup (which is far more prone to crashing) and seeing as the v2 DNAS is new code, there's going to some issues still, same as with what Centova Cast v3 has (and still seems to be going through).
Hi DrO hope you've been well :)

100+ SHOUTcast v2 streams here for over a year and none restart, over the past year we may have had 2 clients complain of restarting and both were due to invalid characters in one or more of their mp3s, everything is stable for us other than minor issues unrelated.

SHOUTcast Server v2.2.1.109/posix(linux x64)
My Auto DJ
Orlando, FL USA
Quality SHOUTcast Hosting
SHOUTcast Widgets
most of the SC v2 broadcasting issues stem from sc_trans v2 and it's issues (which is why it's always been classified as a beta product).

sure there were some issues with error handling in DNAS v2.0 which on non-Windows builds would cause it to crash (due to not handling a metadata failure correctly), but pretty much most of the stream stability issues stem from sc_trans (which i had generally worked out in internal builds but time ran out to release it before the end of the year).

and as i see Steve / whoever is making a feature compatible replacement, the issues with sc_trans as a source should go away anyway. sc_trans was a nice idea but was never allowed to be worked on as needed (always at the bottom of the list) and the fact of AOL legal messing with things and causing it to have to have the unlock code (which has now crippled it's usage anyway) means it's a dead duck imho.