Tunein.com api support

Read 175945 times
It used to show on the old version of TuneIn, but since their last update, my station plays but doesn't display the titles. Very frustrating when some users would prefer TuneIn BECAUSE it showed the titles.
Will check out the posted script later.

Michael Roark
i'm wondering why nobody from centova makes an official statement about this request...
98% of the time, They dont reply to the Feature Requests section, But, they do read them.
CrossFire-Hosting LLC.
+1  8) ;D
 :) ;) :D ;D 8) :P :-* This is a great idea!
This already can be done you just have to request it from Tune In @ this link http://tunein.com/broadcasters/api/  on my radio there it show what's playing with album covers etc just send them  email and ask them for a partnerId and partnerKey if your server accept it..listen2myradio pay accounts have the feature in there "RadioTool Box" just go to the link and send them a email at Tune In...
This already can be done you just have to request it from Tune In @ this link http://tunein.com/broadcasters/api/  on my radio there it show what's playing with album covers etc just send them  email and ask them for a partnerId and partnerKey if your server accept it..listen2myradio pay accounts have the feature in there "RadioTool Box" just go to the link and send them a email at Tune In...

please don't spam listen2myradio, thanks.
Last Edit: July 11, 2013, 05:25:47 am by raoulduke881
This only works if you're signed up with them, and not just if you use their player for a custom stream?

Michael Roark
Radio Free Joshua Tree
indexing of the station on tunein.com and partnerId + partnerKey + stationId request are all free of charge. usually tunein replies within a few days after they've been requested, but the availability of this function (very useful, though) only depends on the streaming software used to broadcast.
I wrote a small script that sends the track info to TuneIn, it runs on a cronjob which checks every minute to see if the currently playing song has changed., if so it will send the request to TuneIN, per their terms the script will ONLY send the request to their Air API when the song has changed.

It's a very simple script if anyone wants to write one, I'm sure there are other ways of doing it but mine writes the currently playing song to a text file and on each cron it checks the song against the one in the text file, if the song is different it will re-write the new song to the text file, send the request to TuneIn and wait for the next cron to run. Works with SHOUTcast 1, 2 and Icecast KH

Within days of listing the currently playing song and artist in TuneIn's directory your station will get at least triple the listeners and grow from there. I had set this up with our demo station and within 2 weeks I pulled it because of the high amount of listeners
Last Edit: August 09, 2013, 07:19:41 am by My Auto DJ
My Auto DJ
Orlando, FL USA
Quality SHOUTcast Hosting http://myautodj.com
SHOUTcast Widgets http://shoutcastwidgets.com
will it work with centova 3.0?
Yes, as I said it is very simple I may as well give you all the code, you will also need to set up a cron job and upload a text file, full instructions are in the comments of the code.

Do not forget to set the permissions for your text file, just create a notepad file, save as song.txt and upload to your webserver

Remember to change the path of the cron job

You MUST get your TuneIN radio API keys in order for this to work!!! http://tunein.com/broadcasters/api/ it took me 3 tries to get mine, if they don't respond to you in a few days just request them again.

I know there are other ways of doing this but I am far from a php expert.

Last Edit: August 09, 2013, 01:24:10 pm by My Auto DJ
My Auto DJ
Orlando, FL USA
Quality SHOUTcast Hosting http://myautodj.com
SHOUTcast Widgets http://shoutcastwidgets.com
Thanks for sharing this. How long have you been running your script and have you had any issues with it?
- Yes it's being used by 6 stations now -- we sell it as a hosted service for our clients.
- iplayradio - just download the package -- http://myautodj.com/tunein.rar
My Auto DJ
Orlando, FL USA
Quality SHOUTcast Hosting http://myautodj.com
SHOUTcast Widgets http://shoutcastwidgets.com
- Yes it's being used by 6 stations now -- we sell it as a hosted service for our clients.
- iplayradio - just download the package -- http://myautodj.com/tunein.rar

The script isn't working for me on Debian 7.1 with php 5.3.3. If I run it from the CLI it returns some blank lines but doesn't write anything to song.txt.

Any suggestions on what might be wrong?
