is it possible to use my v2 license on v3 Beta without my v2 server up yet

Read 28181 times
Having a bit of a time getting my v.2 server licensed so while Im working on getting it back up,
I'm wondering how I can use my license on 3Beta since this was functional until my v2 server went down which held my license.

Thanks for any input
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v2 license is compatible with v3 if that is what you're asking. You just need to reissue the license key. Although you can only use the license on one installation at a time.
Thanks for the reply Roger,

This works for me but when my original package was inadvertantly deleted, I no longer have a reissue button as I use to

How would I do this
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sounds like your license was never issued in the 1st place, so no need for you to re-issue it
just go ahead and use it for your v3 installation
Awesome, but how?  I've been trying to get the 2.4 issued, and it says the license key is invalid.

So how would I add it just to my v3?  It seems things are handled differently on this vs the older versions.


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If your license has never been issued, then just install the software and it will do that for you automatically.

If you've already have issued for v3 and now you want to use v2, the you have to reissue manually. But be carefull no to do this too many times or your reissue privileges can get temporarly suspended.

You can only use your license key on one version or the other,not both.
Thank you for the reply,

This is a new license replacing a previous license.
my account shows:
License issued: No
Licensed domain name:

I have been unable to get my old v2.4 server to except the new license, which now I think is a good thing, since I ow understand and I want to use it on the new server only which has the v3 Beta on it.   I thought I had to have it on my old server first.

My new server is not designated yet until I move my mail and domains over

So I have 3 questions, concerns.

1. Do I need to have my Licensed domain name slbroadcasters changed to the new server first?

2. Is there a way I can add the new license to the v3 server without having to reinstall the software? 
It took me over a week and a miracle to get it up and I do not want to disturb it if I dont have too.

3.  I tried to issue the new license for the first time on the old server w v2 many times unsuccessfully over the last couple days, and Im glad it didnt take now.  But do you think that temporarily suspended it isnce it was never issued to start with?

Thanks again!
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1. Do I need to have my Licensed domain name slbroadcasters changed to the new server first?

2. Is there a way I can add the new license to the v3 server without having to reinstall the software? 
It took me over a week and a miracle to get it up and I do not want to disturb it if I dont have too.
You can update your existing CCv3 installations with the new keys by editing /usr/local/centovacast/etc/license.conf, replacing the key there, and then restarting Centova Cast (/etc/init.d/centovacast restart).

3.  I tried to issue the new license for the first time on the old server w v2 many times unsuccessfully over the last couple days, and Im glad it didnt take now.  But do you think that temporarily suspended it isnce it was never issued to start with?
We don't suspend licenses based on that reason.
When I restart will it disrupt the current live stream?
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Yes this did it thank you. My account now shows that it is issued to the correct server.

And it didnt interupt the stream. 

I just have the error in my status now

"Cluster host connection failure for Spin Stream Media: Connection refused (111)"
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Glad I could help! A topic dedicated to the error you mentioned is located here:
Following the topic you directed me to unfortunately didnt work.  I may have missed something.
Glad I could help! A topic dedicated to the error you mentioned is located here:

But I thought I had had followed everything to the letter a couple times and also running th debug.
I did notice, that this topic seems to be structured around cc-control not running.
mine is running but cc-appserver shows manually stopped

- Trying to start it is unsuccessful
- Trying to restart all services is also unsuccessful.  Everything starts but cc-app

/usr/local/centovacast>/etc/init.d/centovacast restart

Stopping Centova Cast: cc-ftpd cc-web cc-appserver (not running) cc-control cc-imaged
Starting Centova Cast: cc-control cc-appserver cc-web cc-ftpd cc-imaged

/usr/local/centovacast>/etc/init.d/centovacast check

cc-web: running (pid 30424)
cc-control: running (pid 30402)
cc-appserver: manually stopped
cc-ftpd: running (pid 30431)
cc-imaged: running (pid 30436)

although it says 'cc-appserver: manually stopped', I see it running as a process

root     30419  0.0  0.0 116756  2740 ?        Ss   23:08   0:00 cc-appserver: master process (/usr/local/centovacast/etc/cc-appserver.conf
504      30420  1.9  0.0 117604  6080 ?        S    23:08   0:00 cc-appserver: pool webintf
504      30421  2.0  0.0 117856  6124 ?        S    23:08   0:00 cc-appserver: pool webintf

SO I check it another way and try to start it manually
/usr/local/centovacast>/etc/init.d/centovacast start-app
Attempting to start app: cc-appserver (already running)

but when checking

/usr/local/centovacast>/etc/init.d/centovacast check
cc-web: running (pid 30424)
cc-control: running (pid 30402)
cc-appserver: manually stopped
cc-ftpd: running (pid 30431)
cc-imaged: running (pid 30436)

Now I can kill the process manually which also alerts me yes it is running although it says its not, but it doesnt help

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although it says 'cc-appserver: manually stopped', I see it running as a process
Sounds like your pid files got out of sync.  Try:

Code: [Select]
killall cc-appserver
/etc/init.d/centovacast start

But this has nothing to do with the error you quoted in your prior message, which is explained in the sticky that Alexiu directed you to above.  The error message "Could not connect ... Connection refused (111)" is generated *by* cc-appserver so it's definitely not the result of cc-appserver being down.
I've tried this Steve, heres the results:
>killall cc-appserver
>/etc/init.d/centovacast start
Starting Centova Cast: cc-control (already running) cc-appserver cc-web (already running) cc-ftpd (already running) cc-imaged (already running)

I may have found a clue to the Connection refused (111)

Going back to the sticky and working through it, I found it unusual I get no errors, no return msgs, nothing when trying to start or stop ccd.

Tracking this from /etc/init.d/centovacast which points to /usr/local/centovacast/centovacast, that file is empty '0 bytes'

so running /etc/init.d/centovacast start-ccd does nothing.

Any ideas for reconstructing this file without reinstalling?

my direct email is
>/etc/init.d/centovacast start
Starting Centova Cast: cc-control (already running) cc-appserver cc-web (already running) cc-ftpd (already running) cc-imaged (already running)
You're saying that here, the /etc/init.d/centovacast script successfully starts Centova Cast and generates valid output...

Tracking this from /etc/init.d/centovacast which points to /usr/local/centovacast/centovacast, that file is empty '0 bytes'

so running /etc/init.d/centovacast start-ccd does nothing.
...yet here, it does nothing and is a zero-byte file?

In a nutshell, this means that something you've done in between the first and second invocation of /etc/init.d/centovacast caused it to be truncated.  Most likely you pasted exactly what you quoted above into your terminal.  eg: if you were to paste ">/etc/init.d/centovacast start" (with the > character) into your terminal, that would cause the exact result you described -- a 0-byte centovacast init script.

As for fixing this, you can try running the following which should reinstall it:

Code: [Select]
/usr/local/centovacast/sbin/update common --force