The requests

Read 39356 times
The playlist is generated using php / mysql to pull the information from the centova cast database for a set user account.

So the only way this can be done currently, is you would need to be the admin and have root access to the database information.  Unless later down the line centova decides to mix this in with centova, then it would be available for all users...  Until then, only root admin with database access is able to set this up.

The listeners can request the songs by typing in the Artist and Song information provided by the playlist,  The request for is the normal Centova Cast request form (the request form created by centova developers)  That is not my code, that is Centovas code.

My code is the part that pulls up the user accounts playlist from their auto DJ.

Because of the work involved and the coding I went through, I can not provide the code free of charge.
CrossFire-Hosting LLC.
Then, we will hope Centova devs to implement features in requests, like this:
Yeah, im pretty sure there are dozens of different ways to implement the playlist.

With the autocomplete, You can only view what you input into the box with whatever artist, etc, you enter.

And with my way, it lets you view it all in a different manner.   And there are many other ways to bring up the playlist.   Im not sure if the autocomplete you have to enter in all your music manually or not.  I am assuming you do since its using an HTML file extension, With the other way ( the one I use), it automatically pulls the information from the database from the set user account.
CrossFire-Hosting LLC.
But I don't want listeners to view ALL my songs in playlist.
Autocomplete is good, when they search specific song.
Yeah, so I guess it would be based on user preference on how one would want it listed.

It is possible to block out certain items too.  If you browse through my playlist, I have a folder that is for promos (or station IDs).  In which I have that blocked so its not viewable by the listeners or whomever is requesting.
Last Edit: August 01, 2013, 07:17:24 am by DJFire_CFR
CrossFire-Hosting LLC.
But I don't want listeners to view ALL my songs in playlist.
Autocomplete is good, when they search specific song.

i agree, i would like a autocomplete feature. - playing everything that f**king rocks! - my personal site
Sorry for necro-posting.


I'd like to see in v3, this feature because many of my clients are now working with Sam and decided to migrate to Centova with autodj.
I hope this can be made​​, I would also like to inverse meditating for
So what music in autodj state and the number of requests (eg top 10) and when it is then rotated


Voor een betaalbare streaming en goede support tevens kunnen wij uw voor radio stations een app maken voor android en ios,
I'll see if I can add in an autocomplete search for the playlist... Been a bit busy lately with some stuff, but I'll take a look and see if I can come up with something.
CrossFire-Hosting LLC.
I'll see if I can add in an autocomplete search for the playlist... Been a bit busy lately with some stuff, but I'll take a look and see if I can come up with something.

Let me know what you find. This would be a good feature and I'm sure would be included in a future release if you implemented it. - playing everything that f**king rocks! - my personal site
I would like to come with you. Matter in contact
To my customers here also ask and there is also an admin at so you can see what song is called demand and by whom


Voor een betaalbare streaming en goede support tevens kunnen wij uw voor radio stations een app maken voor android en ios,
Hello everyone ,

I am owner of an internet radio station and we have recently added the future for requesting while the auto dj is playing.
It is all working fine but i am missing important futures here.

The things i am missing are the following :
- It is not possible to overwatch the frequency how often the request server is used in the auto dj.
  Because this is missing i cannot see if this expansion is giving us any benefit.

- It is also not possible to give a track a delay time after it has been requested.
  So if i wanna be funny i can request the same track for multiple times and it also will be played every time.
I would like to have the possibillity to add a time manager so that the same track never will be played within the hour.

Hoping centova will pick this up.  The Music You Love