Audimark System (with special Icecast Server)

Read 6521 times

we have a customer who has a contract with Audimark (marketing of advertising for web radios).

For this we need to install a specially adapted Icecast server:

I do not want to change existing customers (with Icecast).

Can I install a second Icecast, which I can then select when creating customers? And how can I do that?

Likewise, the support or someone who has already done that and is also marketed via Audimark.

best regards

Translated with Google
Hello Jürgen,

The only option you have is to use this Icecast Version for all customers! Don't worry we're using this version on all system and have no problems overall.

But you have to make sure, that this is the right Version.

"icecast-acc-" is used for newer Client from Audimark / AudioCC.
"icecast-acc-0.9.6" is used for older Clients from Audimark.

The installations process is around 1 minute.

- Stop all Icecast Servers
- Follow the Audimark install Instructions
- Do this command: /usr/local/centovacast/sbin/enable_package ICECAST /usr/local/share/icecast/bin/icecast
- Start all Icecast Servers

Regards / Viele Grüße
