I would like to confirm that djports are working after changes mentioned above.
1. Go to setting and click "Raw Configuration"
2. Find line with "djcipher:......" and comment that out to look like this ";djcipher:....."
3. Find ";calendarrewrite=1" and uncoment that and change value to '0' to look like this " calendarrewrite=0"
4. Add Dj's in CC panel
5. Restart Your Server
I would like to mention that i don't know why but I'm able to connect 'djport'
exactly as it is in config.
So in my situation this is ' djport=8066' so I'm connecting to port
8066, NOT like is in documentation 8066 + 1 (8067)
I as well found that when I'm connecting by sc_trans djports the 'Yellowpages" (DSP v.1) and "Directory" (DSP v.2) tabs details are not sent to sc_serv, just things like song title updates (DSP v1 and v2) and name from "Directory" tab in DSP v.2 which is readable
ONLY as XML in shoutcast admin area (
http://hostname.com:port/admin.cgi?sid=1&mode=viewxml&page=5 )
DrO have added few good things to shoutcast but he has take or forgot about some other really good functions which now are making a lot problems for online radio stations.
For me really good solution will be bring back possibility to send all data like in shoutcast v1 and DSP v1 from "Yellopages" tab.
Personally I was using fields:
'Description' - to provide Dj name
'AIM' - to provide name of the show
'ICQ' - to provide unique ID of dj playing live to recognise them by my website (displaying dj photo, advanced dj stats, etc.)
I really miss that in Shoutcast v2 bundle ;(