It's our fault!

Read 335 times
Look how cool the response I received about the lack of news and updates from centovacast:


Centova Cast is constantly being updated with new improvements and security patches, the latest patch was just released on April 15, which improves SSL multi-domain support for resellers, updates Liquidsoap, and fixes various compatibility issues with new Linux distributions.

You can follow our patch releases at

We are also developing Centova Cast v4, which features a new web interface, however since most of ours customers actually customize Centova Cast's web interface to fit their brands, there is not much demand for a new interface, and so it's a low priority for our development team. This is because Centova Cast's development is driven by customer demand, and so our team mostly prioritizes those features that are most requested by customers.

If you have a feature request, other than just a new look, we'll be happy to forward that to our development team. As for a new interface, you could simply use Centova Cast's powerful templating system and API to tailor your own.

Feel free to contact us again if you have further inquiries.


Systems Specialist
Centova Technologies Inc.

In short, folks, it's ALL OUR customers at centovacast, no real news or improvements to the interface are going to come anytime soon after all, we customers are not interested in this.

In 2024, responsive is extremely unnecessary, after all, no one who uses Centovacast has a cell phone.

Centova cast was already considered a good panel, however seeing the advances of (azuracast / mediacp) having teams of just 1 developer, it is very clear that Centovacast has stopped in time and has no interest in bringing news.

The SSL's justification is an insult, if they hadn't done this in the slightest, the centova would have already died.

I hope you are sincere in this topic, it is really responsive and news for centovacast is unnecessary so as not to be prioritized in 2024, if so this community is just like centovacast itself, frozen in time

And to avoid seeming "boring", a post from 4 years ago where simple questions were asked:
After all, 10 years and the centova casts because as a LOW priority a responsive.

If you look closely,centovacast hasn't had anything new for more than (10 YEARS), and it's clear that it's all our fault, the centovacast customers.
Last Edit: May 10, 2024, 06:12:35 am by streamingBr
You absolutely have right. Ok, here ill have a responsive interface for centova, but their answer you can do it yourself is just stupid for 2024 like you sayed. Also it was not easy to do those things, the software is very restricted for customizations. Reported errors for plugin, event api not solved for years. So many things had to be solved around it with normally bad coding things.