Tunein.com api support

Read 111733 times
For the next release we'd be glad to see the integration of tunein's api broadcaster information to let centova cast update tunein currently playing and recently played tracks, see here:


Oh yeah this would not only be be a great feature it's vital especially to those of us who use AutoDJ for our overnights etc. +1 or ++ if I can vote twice.
Hi all,

I appreciate that there are ways to do this in code and cron, etc, but we currently offer a hosted service to automatically grab the song from your Centova (Shoutcast & Icecast) streaming server and send them on to TuneIn automatically.

If you'd like more info, please take a look at http://www.twitterautopost.com/tunein-auto-post/

It has been more than two years since this issue was reported and we haven't heard any news from any of the Centova team. This is unacceptable under any circumstances. Please provide a prompt response on this issue whether Centova is working or not on this matter. TuneIn is so popular nowadays and is a shame we cannot use all its potential due to technical restrictions on Centova side. You guys are forcing us to find another service provider different than you.
Waiting anxiously to see any updates from you in the near future (not months later)!!!

I don't think they made any promises to add TuneIn API support, just because a few clients ask for a feature does not automatically make them responsible for developing it

Whilst we wait for this to become a feature I have been trying to use the script that My Auto DJ had posted 2 years ago.

I get this message on cron.php  Parse error: syntax error, unexpected end of file in /var/www/vhosts/xxxx/public_html/xxxx/cron.php on line 299  This is where ?> on the last line. I am using PHP 5.6.3
/var/www/vhosts/xxxx/public_html/   ---  I think you just need to check paths in the script looks like your using a custom path

For Centvoa v3 the current default directory for  vhosts is
My Auto DJ
Orlando, FL USA
Quality SHOUTcast Hosting http://myautodj.com
SHOUTcast Widgets http://shoutcastwidgets.com
Thanks for getting back but I get the parse error when I view cron.php in a browser.

The paths to song.txt are correct as I have tested it with another script to write "Hello World" and that worked.

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected end of file in /var/www/vhosts/*****/public_html/****/cron.php on line 299 (This is what I get in Chrome.)

This is the final lines of your script with 299 being the very last line.

   // It's a different song so we notify TuneIN radio

   $xml = simplexml_load_file('http://air.radiotime.com/Playing.ashx?partnerId=' . $partnerID . '&partnerKey=' . $partnerKEY . '&id=' . $id . '&title=' . $currentSong . '&artist=' . $currentArtist);

   // Write new song to text file and start over again
   $data= fopen($file, 'w') or die("can't open file");
   fwrite($data, $currentSong);


I'm sorry I can't even find my post with the code, I guess they removed it but  I am sure there is a lot missing but from the code you included .. as it is now though it has a extra
at the end
As you said it's been a couple years I can't really remember what I posted if you paste the entire code I am sure I can find the problem :)
My Auto DJ
Orlando, FL USA
Quality SHOUTcast Hosting http://myautodj.com
SHOUTcast Widgets http://shoutcastwidgets.com
- Yes it's being used by 6 stations now -- we sell it as a hosted service for our clients.
- iplayradio - just download the package -- http://myautodj.com/tunein.rar

I downloaded from above which includes cron.php & song.txt
ok I found it on page 3, I tested and  it didn't have any errors, although I have found better ways to get the artist/song from the server since then it should still work. You said the error is on line 299, but the script only has 293 lines so you may want to check to make sure there is nothing else in that file .. also I tested using php 5.4

Again it's really simple I am sure a more exp coder can easily do a  lot better job

1. script pulls from the SHOUTcast DNAS the current track and writes it to a text file
2. checks every minute  (or how ever long you choose to run the cron job) to see if the current song still matches the song in the text file.
3. when the song does change, the script sends the data to TuneIN and writes the new song to the text file, starting the process over again

Also I read in this thread that this would use a lot server resources, we have ours serving just over 100 tune in stations so each minute with no problems  using the same script I posted in this thread a couple of years ago ..  in fact our system is is listed on the Tune In API page, look for SHOUTcast Widgets near the middle http://tunein.com/broadcasters/api/
Last Edit: July 25, 2015, 07:30:07 am by My Auto DJ
My Auto DJ
Orlando, FL USA
Quality SHOUTcast Hosting http://myautodj.com
SHOUTcast Widgets http://shoutcastwidgets.com
I have just tried the script on another domain on my server using PHP 5.3 and no errors, working great!

Must be not compatible with later PHP releases.
Please consider this feature request or give us a reason why it can't be done so we can finally lay it to rest. It's been almost two years now since the original post and there was a point where it was a work in progress.

Thank you! :)
Just use the version posted on page 3. Still works.
indiecore.net - playing everything that f**king rocks!
theycallmeruffi.com - my personal site
+1 .. yes please.
+1 for this
+1 for this
hello everyone, how long it takes to get active script provided by My auto dj?