Ticket Details

Note: If you are already a client, please log in first for faster service.

Please note: this form is for clients who have paid for installation or upgrade service to submit their server details. For support inquiries regarding software installation, please contact the support department.

Also note that all fields are required unless otherwise stated. Any omission will delay your installation as the installing technician will need to contact you for the missing information. If you are concerned about security, please see this article. Thank you!

From your installation order
The fully-qualified domain name to use with Centova Cast (eg: foo.example.com)
The public IP address of your dedicated server/VPS
Normally 22, unless you have deliberately changed it
Centova Cast is a system service and must be installed as root
Only required if this is an upgrade (not a new installation)

If you have any unusual installation requirements (alternate installation partitions, IceCast instead of ShoutCast, etc.), please state them below. We regret that we cannot change these for you after installation.
