Installation options


What options are available when using the installer?


Can I install more than one copy of Centova Cast on the same server?


NOTE: This is not the Centova Cast installation guide; the options below are intended for advanced users who wish to automate Centova Cast installations.

All other users should download the Centova Cast installation guide from your client area.

Supported Parameters

The following options are available when running


Specifies the path to the Centova Cast core files. If you are installing multiple copies of Centova Cast, you MUST use this parameter to specify a different core file path for the second installation, otherwise your first installation will be overwritten.

Default: /home/centovacast/ Example: --corepath=/home/centovacast2/


Specifies the path to the Centova Cast web interface. The installer normally prompts for this interactively, but if you wish to automate your installations you can pass it on the commandline.

Default: (none) Example: --path=/var/www/html/cast/


Specifies the pathname for the ShoutCast DNAS server binary, and selects ShoutCast as the default server type. The installer normally prompts for this interactively, but if you wish to automate your installations you can pass it on the commandline.

Default: (none) Example: --shoutcast=/usr/bin/sc_serv


Specifies the pathname for the IceCast server binary, and selects IceCast as the default server type. The installer normally prompts for this interactively, but if you wish to automate your installations you can pass it on the commandline.

Default: (none) Example: --icecast=/usr/bin/icecast2


Specifies the URL for the Centova Cast web interface. The installer normally prompts for this interactively, but if you wish to automate your installations you can pass it on the commandline.

Default: (none) Example: --url=


Specifies the username of the UNIX user account under which streaming server/source processes will run. If you are installing multiple copies of Centova Cast on the same server, you may wish to use this to keep them isolated.

Default: centovacast Example: --user=someone


Specifies the path to the PHP commandline interpreter to be used by the Centova Cast core. Normally the installer will attempt to autodetect this, but if it finds multiple PHP CLI binaries it will force you to specify one explicitly using this parameter.

Default: (autodetected from /bin/php, /usr/bin/php, or /usr/local/bin/php) Example: --php=/usr/bin/php5


Specifies whether or not your server uses suPHP. suPHP dramatically alters the way PHP works, and as such, Centova Cast must be installed differently if it is enabled on your server.

The installer will normally attempt to detect suPHP, but if it cannot conclusively determine whether or not suPHP is enabled, it will force you to specify this parameter.

Specify 1 if suPHP is enabled, or 0 if it is not.

Default: (autodetected) Example: --suphp=1


Specifies that the installer should attempt to automatically download and install RPM/DEB packages for the ices-cc streaming source. If you are using a supported platform (most modern Fedora, CentOS, Red Hat, and Debian Linuxes are supported) this will fully automate the source installation procedure.

The installer normally prompts for this interactively, but if you wish to automate your installations you can pass it on the commandline.

Note: The simple presence of this parameter indicates that you want to auto- install ices (i.e., use --ices, not --ices=1 or --ices=0).

Default: Install ices if packages are available Example: --ices


Specifies that the installer should attempt to automatically build the ices-cc streaming source if RPM/DEB packages are not available for your platform. This requires that you have all of the standard GNU build tools (gcc, make, etc.) installed. Note that if RPM/DEB packages are available for your platform, this option is ignored.

Due to the wide variety of system configurations, this feature is not officially supported. That said, it works very well on most systems as long as you have the necessary build tools installed, and will build ices and all of its dependencies from source with no user intervention.

Note: The simple presence of this parameter indicates that you want to auto- install ices (i.e., use --canbuildices, not --canbuildices=1 or --canbuildices=0).

Note: Requires the --ices parameter.

Default: (none) Example: --ices --canbuildices


Specifies that the installer should attempt to automatically install FTP integration when possible.

Supported FTP configurations include:

  • ProFTPd with auth_file support
    Caveat: the AuthUserFile directive must not already be in use. Note that the
    DirectAdmin web hosting control panel uses this ProFTPd directive, and thus
    FTP auto-integration is not possible on DirectAdmin servers.

  • Pure-FTPd on CPanel servers

Note: The simple presence of this parameter indicates that you want to auto-install
ices (i.e., use --ftp, not --ftp=1 or --ftp=0).

Default: (none) Example: --ftp

Automated Installations

It is possible to perform fully automated installations using the following command:

./ --auto --canbuildices --path=/var/www/html/cast --url=

This will perform the following tasks:

  • Install Centova Cast (using /var/www/html/cast for the web interface,
    /home/centovacast/ for the core files, and centovacast for the UNIX user
  • Install the ices-cc streaming source from RPM/DEB packages if binary packages
    are available on your platform, otherwise attempt to build ices-cc from source
    if build tools are available.
  • Download and install ShoutCast DNAS as your streaming server.
  • Perform FTP integration if possible (see --ftp above).

Note that this will prompt you to accept the ShoutCast DNAS license agreement before proceeding. If you accept the ShoutCast DNAS license agreement terms and want to install Centova Cast with no user intervention at all, you can use the --fullauto parameter (instead of --auto) to perform a completely unattended installation with no interactive prompts.