possible reasons and things to check for failing stream start with autodj on

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I've got a problem where i cant start the stream server if i have autodj turned on. im using icecast and ices-cc... when i turn the autodj off the stream starts not a problem but with it on it wont, giving an error about not being able to open the log file or something like...

I'm an experienced linux admin but this is the first time i've played with online streaming so all this is new to me, could someone point out some things to take alook at? im going to investigate the issue but if someone can save me some debugging time that would be awesome as i can get on with making the radio website among a whole list of jobs on my ever growing todo list :)

thanks for any pointers :)
Paul from KL Web Consultants KL Web Consultant
ok... i wasn't using ices-cc i just assumed (there was my mistake) that the installer used ices-cc but it built ices... or maybe i did it via apt-get im not sure.

all i did was build ices-cc from source manually as i run a 64bit machine, adding the *-dev packages required and it worked fine....

if anyone needs to i could make a walk through guide... should of jotted down the commands as i went but wasnt thinking really... was like 4am at the time :)
Paul from KL Web Consultants KL Web Consultant