
Read 23649 times
Hello every one i am new and not a big tech person but have a slight understanding of things i am having issues with playlists.I want to put pre recored shows on a schedule and then when thats finished a live dj can take over and then back to a random playlist i have tryed but the pre recored show with a schedule never starts and the general rotation play list continues any advice would be much appreciated  .Example

A 2pm a 2hr pre record

B  4pm back to auto dj gen rotation play list

C 5pm  live dj

D 6pm scheduled 2hr pre record

is this makeing sense

a bit like libritime you can have a smart block then go live and then a scheadle show again

Hello, yes you can do that.
1) Upload the file with the 2 hour show
2) Create a playlist with the show and schedule it at your desired day/time
3) Add the show to the playlist, in the Media section
Hope this can help.
Hello, yes you can do that.
1) Upload the file with the 2 hour show
2) Create a playlist with the show and schedule it at your desired day/time
3) Add the show to the playlist, in the Media section
Hope this can help.

Thanks i have tryed this but still dont work for me i can not get the show to load on schedled time and then for a gen playlist to continue after
but thank you anyway