Dashes in metadata Tile are creating issues with widget "stream details"

Read 2732 times
In several metadata titles, I got dashes for instance

Broadcast title - Part 1


Unfortunately by using the widget "Stream Details", in reports only the part of the title after the last dash.
hence I got just "Part 1" as title of the transmission
Sorry I can't edit the post not even delete it

There is a mis-spelling into the title "Tile" = > "Title"
Furthermore if in the title there is something between parenthesis, it is not displayed.

For instance:

Title of the broadcasting (Part 1)
Title of the broadcasting (Part 2)
etc ...

the (Part 1) and (Part 2) are not displayed.

This system is a collection of bugs
Have you tried opening a ticket? Forum isn't as active as it used to be it looks like.
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