UpGrade 3.2.14

Read 11227 times
Just wanted to post how easy it was to update to the current version of CentovaCast
Ubuntu 18.04
server is hosted with 1and1

I thought a few time the install had stalled but it hadn't, be patient when instlling
I broadcast 13 streams using icecast and relay to shoutcast. The upgrade took about 10 minutes and the first thing I see is the New CentovaCast Player which I like over the JAVA player.

I've made small edits to the web pages and as I expected they were over written with the upgrade although CC Support Team did mention that in the Docs. I don't see that as an issue or hindrance, I see it as a learning experience, yes learning experience. The more time I can spend working with the web code the better I'll understand why CC Development team did what they did. 

Nice work CCDT, I'm looking forward to getting inside again and working the code.
Tommy TBones
Broadcasting Indie Music since March 1999
Hi 440music, do you have a picture or a site I can open to see what the new player actually looks like?

Can't seem to find one anywhere.
305 Stream, Inc.
Miami, FL USA
Professional Streaming Services www.305streamhd.com
I have links to the radio stations on my home page
Tommy TBones
Broadcasting Indie Music since March 1999