Hello all,
I am just wondering if anyone on here can help. I run my automated radio station through Centova Cast V3, via a reseller, to which my stream works fine...most of the time:)
I do have a couple of issues that I would like to get resolved.
The first being, since upgrading to V3, I have noticed that after each timed playlist event, lets say after our TOTH News, I get a "Unknown - Unknown" track play. This is normally a random mp3 track from our playlist, either a station jingle or random audio track.
I know all our files have been labelled correctly....and have non that are titled "Unknown - Unknown"
Is this a bug?...I have attached a screenshot
Secondly, is there a still a feature to change the fade in, fade out times of songs. I noticed you used to get this option with earlier versions of Centovacast, but do not see this option on my Auto DJ settings. Mines looks like its set around 5-6 seconds each way...need to shorten it if possible
I have asked my reseller about the above questions, but dont get any positive response or answers...hence why I am posting on here:)
Any help is greatly appreciated..
Thank you