Centova Cast + shoutcast - Other people can't play on Web Player

Read 7927 times
Hello. I just installed Centova Cast and Shoutcast. I created a Web Player in my website, but only mine can play radio on WebPlayer.
I tried with some radios hosted on Centova and all works perfectly, only my radio have a problem.
You can test the player on www.bestcityradio.eu and the stream is: http://streamradio.bestcityradio.eu:8000/index.html?sid=1
I think it's a privacy problem. The plugin can't get the last songs played and Live song.
Hello. I just installed Centova Cast and Shoutcast. I created a Web Player in my website, but only mine can play radio on WebPlayer.
I tried with some radios hosted on Centova and all works perfectly, only my radio have a problem.
You can test the player on www.bestcityradio.eu and the stream is: http://streamradio.bestcityradio.eu:8000/index.html?sid=1
I think it's a privacy problem. The plugin can't get the last songs played and Live song.

It's because it's http and not https I'm trying for months now to get an easy working way to secure the Shoutcast server but until now no good support on that, very annoying ......