Centova site showing 502 Bad Gateway

Read 8949 times
I am trying to place a new order, but centovacast.com is showing a "502 Bad Gateway" error when I visit the products section.  Screenshot:

I am trying to contact Centova via Facebook, but I don't know which one is their official page. They don't even have it on their main page. That's crazy!

I am trying to place a new order, but centovacast.com is showing a "502 Bad Gateway"

A 502 Bad Gateway Error means that the web server you've connected to is acting as a proxy for relaying information from another server, but it has gotten a bad response from that other server. It's called a 502 error because that's the HTTP status code that the web server uses to describe that kind of error

I don't want to be critical but FaceCrook isn't how you get support that comes from the forum or tech support(paid service) and Tech Support is 1 year with purchase of a license(correct me if I'm wrong) and that is just a click away.
Tommy TBones
Broadcasting Indie Music since March 1999