I have just tested this and find the DJ management is not optimally solved. Especially strange is that all the changes to the respective DJ accounts become effective only after manual stopping and re-starting the Auto DJ. It would be better and more logical if that were done in real time. Probably neither sctrans2 nor liquidsoap are currently prepared for this.
The unchanged IP of the Shoutcast source is of course logical because instead of the DJ now the Auto DJ connects to the Shoutcast source which then connects to the Shoutcast and of course retains the IP of the server. This is one of the special features of sctrans2 and liquidsoap.
The advantage is that you no longer have to disable the Auto DJ or kick the stream as with Shoutcast 1 before a liveshow. However, the downside is that the same stream title and source IP remains the same - a big problem for websites like ours, which used this information to display the program and the moderator information from the website.
However, possible and also desirable would be to see the IPs of the respective moderators at least on the Centova Cast DJ panel. So the developer could add, for example, a status lamp, IP display and kick feature in future releases for each moderator, so the software interface immediately displays as soon as someone is streaming. A query of the respective DJ port and the data sent should be no problem for good programmers and also be independent of the used Auto DJ software, so sctrans2 or liquidsoap.
With the help of a new widget, it would then also be possible to query and display the stream title of every moderator.