Questioning the validity of reports statistics

Read 8579 times

I'm running a centova installation in my own server with only a single radio station. I am trying to figure out what the peak listeners number is but I can't. This is because Centova statistics are giving me contradictory information even in the same panel. For example, in the "Recent Activity" panel I see the "Peak Period   Listeners" as 36 while in the graph below the peak number appears to be 66!

Is there anyone who can explain to me what's the meaning of these discrepancies ?

Thanks in advance for your time.
Hello nikalk,

Centova Cast's listener graphs display the total number of distinct listeners (not simultaneous listeners) in a given hour. So for example, if one listener tunes in, then disconnects, and then another tunes in a few minutes later, this is considered two listeners.

We feel that the hourly distinct listener count is a more valuable metric than hourly simultaneous listeners, given that you already know the maximum listener limit for the stream.


thanks for your reply. So to make it clear, you say that graph is the most accurate and realistic measurement of listeners ?

We feel that way, yes.