Read 4600 times
Please make Auto DJ and Liquid soap able to populate fields for ISRC codes and Album Information in Sound Exchange reports. Thanks.

More info From Sound Exchange Website:
In general, Reports of Use identify four things about the sound recordings (“tracks”) used under the statutory license:
1.     the identification of the service provider using the recording
2.     the reporting category
3.     the identification of the recording itself (including the featured artist(s) performing on the recording), and
4.     the audience measurement of the recording.
Generally, a statutory licensee must provide the following information on a monthly basis to SoundExchange in order to identify which tracks have been used under such licensing:
1.     Title of the track, as listed on the commercially released recording
2.     Name of the featured artist, as listed on the commercially released recording
3.     International Standard Recording Code (“ISRC”), or (if the ISRC is unavailable) the combination of both
1.     the album name, and
2.     marketing label
Regrettably, there is not a lot that Centova can do here.

If your track file metadata (both played in from live DJs or from the AutoDJ) includes the Album field then this should appear in your reports.
If the ISRC field is completed on your AutoDJ files then it will appear in the ISRC field in the reports too. However there is no way for your live DJs to send the ISRC in live metadata.

However what SoundExchange also requires is the Label or the ISRC. There is no field in the report for Label and no way of sending it in metadata even if you know it (unless I am very much mistaken), like ISRC.

ISRC is often unavailable or nonexistent, especially on pre-CD era albums, and while there is a field for it, filling it is very tricky: digital downloads may have it hidden away somewhere but there isn't a standard place in a commercial file. Your CD ripper probably won't find it either.
The label should be easier to find.

However both these require third-party database lookups, and depending on the music you play, the ability of sources such as the SoundExchange ISRC database, MusicBrainz or Discogs, for example, to return useful Label or ISRC data is variable at best and dependent not only on the recordings being in the database(s) but also your metadata being clean. And sometimes the databases are wrong (eg "J S Bach" in the Artist field) which screws up the search especially if you've corrected your own metadata and theirs is wrong.

Richard E

We're experimenting with an Automatic Content Recognition system to listen to the stream and deliver the metadata from IT's library and then run up reports from that. We're getting about 75% hit rate of either Label or ISRC so there is still manaul intervention required.