Setting up SSL on Shoutcast V2

Read 22965 times

We are trying to fix an issue with our HTTPS site not being able to handle a Shoutcast V2 script that pulls song info from the metadata. The script error points to mixed content between HTTPS site an HTTP Shoutcast V2 link. 

I am able to play the stream on the website, but I just can't pull any info metadata from its XML file without that conflict. Is there a possible workaround other than implementing SSL on that Shoutcast stream or creating a proxy to allow the port to run over SSL?

Your feedback would be highly appreciated.
SHOUTcast doesn't support SSL. To prevent your Errors, just use Centovas API to receive Data from an Station.
I am using a theme with a hard coded script that pulls metadata from V2 stations then displays in on my website. That script gets blocked with a mixed content error message. So it is looking for a stream ip and port that runs over SSL to allow it to rip the metadata from the server XML file then display it on the site. 
No one is responding to this problem .. WHY?????? THIS IS HUGE

When will this issue be fixed? Its time for Centova to catch up with the rest of the world. We need

-- responsive user interface
-- SSL support on all ports
-- mobile friendly stream management
I'm still stuck with this issue. Some of the online techniques to secure a Shoutcast stream seems very straightfoward, but I am still having no luck even with outside help.  I believe Apple is making recommendations for stream providers to secure their audio on iOS products and broadcasters are concerned over stream info leaks. 

Any one who is interested in doing contract work to secure an audio stream, please PM me.
any update about this? i have icecast with ssl working fine but can't found the way to do with shoutcast2
any update about this? i have icecast with ssl working fine but can't found the way to do with shoutcast2

As of the time of writing this, Shoutcast 2 doesn't support SSL streaming as Icecast 2 does.

This is not something that you can do without direct support from the underlying software unfortunately.

I was able to secure everything, but I have the same problem with the mix content. The only problem is my Shoutcast V2 server is grabbing some images from http URLs and there's no way for me to change it.

Album covers are coming from this domain:

Right now I had to turn off the SSL protocol because of this problem.

I was able to secure everything, but I have the same problem with the mix content. The only problem is my Shoutcast V2 server is grabbing some images from http URLs and there's no way for me to change it.

Album covers are coming from this domain:

Right now I had to turn off the SSL protocol because of this problem.
Would you please share how you were able to secure your stream?

I had to open a ticket on my hosting company and they did it for me. Liked I said, after all it was useless because some album images came from an insecure link and that breaks the SSL protocol due the mixed

I had to open a ticket on my hosting company and they did it for me. Liked I said, after all it was useless because some album images came from an insecure link and that breaks the SSL protocol due the mixed

Thanks for the reply! At least I know it is possible to do.

I had to open a ticket on my hosting company and they did it for me. Liked I said, after all it was useless because some album images came from an insecure link and that breaks the SSL protocol due the mixed

The reason why you're getting the covers over HTTP instead of HTTPS is likely because you are using the Amazon source to fetch some of the covers, and unfortunately Amazon delivers the image via non-encrypted http protocol.

If you don't want to use Amazon as a source for album covers, you can disable this source under settings > albums > settings, you then need to perform a full purge and upgrade of your media library to delete all cached Amazon URLs.
Has anyone managed to configure shoutcast with SSL in centova? Could you share how you have achieved it?