Hello Centova cast Stuff , i like this software and i also i like you are working to bring new features for this awesome software!
ok here is my need for this soft!
I need to play some 30 seconds commercials spots every day between 10:00 - 12:00 every 10 minutes ! and some other commercials every 15 minutes betwin 21:00 - 23:00 a clock
i see in interval type of playlist details is listed:
repeat every : Minutes or Songs
playback style : ----
Active from: hour : minute : am pm missing
Active until: hour : minute : am pm missing
i need this feature as it is to general rotation type to be active for intervals to !!
please thisis very importand
because some of users need to transmit diferent commercials repited every 10 minutes , in diferent hours in the day!