Port80 Proxy - pass additional parameters to icecast

Read 9925 times
It would be awesome to see the possibility to pass query parameters to icecast which have been added to the mount "/stream" via the proxy script.


Without the proxy it already works just fine.

This way, it would be possible to implement a Username/Password-Authentication which works across all players using standard icecast authentication procedures.

Topic was created after the following discussion:
Last Edit: May 21, 2016, 10:31:21 am by gradio
This would be very useful for us too, as we use Icecast KH being able to pass additional parameters via the proxy would be amazing as it will allow us to wrap AAC in an FLV container for flash players.

As I am part of an FM radio station we work with UK Radioplayer (radioplayer.co.uk) and their web app requires FLV wrapped AAC.


Many thanks,
