update error

Read 8632 times
Hi, I'm trying update Centova 3.2.4 running /usr/local/centovacast/sbin/update and get the following error:

Checking Centova Cast Common Files ...
2016-05-17 13:26:16 ERROR 403: Forbidden/Expired.
  > Download error details:
  > --2016-05-17 13:26:15--  http://install.centova.com/stable/3714f29f7a7abc5c3456b2de0bfdaceec138afd41e10ee4c0741502d1a1410a2/x86_64/cc-common-latest.tar.gz.md5
  > Resolving install.centova.com...
  > Connecting to install.centova.com||:80... connected.
  > HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 403 Forbidden/Expired
  > 2016-05-17 13:26:16 ERROR 403: Forbidden/Expired.
Error downloading verification hash

Is the error in my side or is a repository issue?
license invalid
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I realized that the cause is a change in the server. We use a VPS, we changed it from OpenVZ to Linux Containers and the MAC address changed.
With OpenVZ the host share la MAC with containers, with Linux Containers each interfaces inside cotainers has a own MAC address. And centova associate the license with domain and IP+MAC.
The hostname and IP didn't change.
I tried with button "re-issue" in my client area but the license remains invalid.
solved! support team managed the reissue of the license.