Disconnect after 'x' time?

Read 10813 times
Two related questions...

1 Do listeners 'remain connected forever', or is there some control panel option in which after a specified period they're 'booted off and have to reconnect if they want to continue listening'?

I'm thinking of the scenario where someone has a stream playing, but isn't listening - and thus needlessly consumes an available listener slots.

2 I've read elsewhere that with some browser players 'streaming continues when audio is stopped'... thus consuming bandwidth (and using an available listener slot). Is that so? My limited testing with iTunes and some browser players suggests that it stops using bandwidth when stopped/paused.
> 1. Do listeners 'remain connected forever', or is there some control panel option in which after a specified > period they're 'booted off and have to reconnect if they want to continue listening'?

Shoutcast v1.9 and Shoutcast v2.x

Under Settings > Advanced tab.

Code: [Select]
Disconnect idle sources after: second(s) (0 for never)

Always disconnect listeners after: minute(s) (0 for never)


Under Settings > Mount Points > (Select the mount point, usually /stream) > Settings Override Tab

Code: [Select]
Disconnect listeners after:

> 2 . I've read elsewhere that with some browser players 'streaming continues when audio is stopped'... thus > consuming bandwidth (and using an available listener slot). Is that so? My limited testing with iTunes and  > some browser players suggests that it stops using bandwidth when stopped/paused.

I do not know of any players that "keep a listener" if a listener clicks stop on a player.  When they click stop, it stops and disconnects the listener until they press play/start again on the player.
CrossFire-Hosting LLC.

Under Settings > Mount Points > (Select the mount point, usually /stream) > Settings Override Tab

I do not know of any players that "keep a listener" if a listener clicks stop on a player.  When they click stop, it stops and disconnects the listener until they press play/start again on the player.

Thanks for your answers to both points.
That helps me better understand.
I hadn't seen those options in the control panel.