Listener Ips and proxy

Read 6840 times
Hello I have a question.

I found out that all users that are connecting to dnas v1.9.8 stream server trough proxy 80 port are listed in the log with IP from the centova server instead of their real IP address.

Is this a bug or expected?

We are running latest 3.2.2 Centova.

Thanks and br, David
Yea, that's normal. But if you'll look at the Listeners section, you will see the actual client's IP, country, etc.
Hi AlexiuB,

thanks for your reply.

I've investigated it a bit further.

It seems that what u are saying is true - but not always - it depends upon the player being used.

Winamp for instance reports correct users IP, but if flash web player is used - than also in the listeners section Ip listed is servers ip.

How is this possible? Am I missing something?

br, David
Hi, a little update.

I think i've found where the issue comes from.

If stream player uses link in this format:


torugh proxy than Ip is not correctly picked up. Instead of users Ip we get stream server IP.

As mostly flash web players use this kind of stream address syntax this explains why web flash players are experiencing this in greater deal.

I tried to enter address in this format aslo into winamp - and again I got the same result - incorrect IP - so I guess in this syntax seems to be the problem....  now what would be the solution? :)

Thanks and br, David