Error:Could not update account: A database error occurred

Read 7260 times

When I try to update the settings of any of my streams I receive the following error message.

Please help!

Thank you

SQL Error: Could not execute query in /usr/local/centovacast/system/class_AccountControl.php:230
Query:     UPDATE accounts SET `username`="rock",`hostname`="<REMOVED>",`ipaddress`="<REMOVED>",`port`="8020",`maxclients`="1500",`transferlimit`="0",`diskquota`="0",`noxferlimit`="1",`nodiskquota`="1",`allowproxy`="0",`rawconfig`="0",`mountlimit`="0",`quotaexceed`="auto",`xferexceed`="auto",`channels`="2",`samplerate`="44100",`crossfade`="5",`maxbitrate`="320",`genre`="rock country folk indie pop",`recenttracks`="10",`timezone`="127",`charset`="ISO-8859-1",`locale`="",`url`="<REMOVED>",`useserver`="1",`nextsongdebug`="0",`webplayer`="muses",`ignoremeta`="",`requestprobability`="50",`requestdelay`="30",`autoqueuerequests`="1",`emailunknownrequests`="1",`title`="<REMOVED>",`email`="<REMOVED>",`usesource`="1",`royaltymode`="0",`autorebuildlist`="1",`randomplaylist`="1",`usestartpage`="1",`allowrequests`="1",`allowondemand`="1",`allowrecent`="1",`allowgmaps`="1",`organization`="<REMOVED>",`songlengthlimit`="0",`rpchostid`="1",`adspriority`="folder,embedded,custom",`extraports`="",`customvalues`="",`status`="enabled",`servertype`="ShoutCast2",`parentresellerid`="0",`password`="<REMOVED>" WHERE id=45
Error:    Unknown column 'quotaexceed' in 'field list'
Call:    $SQL->misc_query()
I had the same issue .. this is what Centova said:

We are very sorry for the inconvenience; this issue is actually caused by an error in version 3.2.1 of Centova Cast. The problem was caused by a bug in ionCube encoder v9 which broke our upgrade system causing some database changes to be skipped during upgrade to v3.2.1.

Unfortunately, we didn't realize this until after the release of 3.2.1, and although our development team did released a hotfix shortly after, we were unable to prevent everyone who upgraded within that short period time from being affected.

You can fix the problem by running the following command via SSH terminal.

cd /usr/local/centovacast && lib/cc-int -c etc/cc-system.conf system/upgrade/upgrade.php --upgrade --fromversion=3.2.0

That will apply the database changes that were skipped due to the ionCube problem in v3.2.1 and eliminate the errors you're seeing.

If, however, you encounter any further difficulties, please don't hesitate to contact us again for help.
That worked. Thank you for sharing, I really appreciate it.
I do what I can.