Huge database

Read 17039 times
My centova database is 2396.82542610 MB in size.

It's only been running since the beginning of 2014, but the visitorstats_sessions table is 2202.52 MB, and the playbackstats_tracks table is 193.59 MB.

What's the best way to optimize it, or to get it to work faster?

I'd like to keep the overall stats, but I don't need the individual session data - it would be nice if there was a way to take the overall monthly (?) numbers for a specific number of months, and move them off to a separate table, and then remove the session info from those months.

Thanks a lot!
Ended up running this query, since I needed to optimize things:

DELETE FROM visitorstats_sessions WHERE starttime < '2015-01-01 00:00:00';

And then I optimized the table, seems to be much better for now...

I wish there was a way to calculate all the info into monthly totals, and then to delete the individual listener/track stats, but for now this works.
This is a problem for me also, and has been for a while, some of my servers have databases so big, backups & migrations usually fail and I must import using another method like big dump.

I think the optimization process runs on a cron, or at least it should ... for example, I just checked my bigger servers which I have been neglecting to check lately (the bigger servers are the only ones that have this problem), click the optimize database link and it took several minutes to complete... another server it just stalled, so I went into the database, checked all the tables and optimized that way ... but on both servers I can now click the optimize database link and it quickly goes through the process, and will for several weeks, months -- but I think as soon as it gets to a certain point the cron times out or fails for some reason
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This shouldn't really happen under normal circumstances. Perhaps your problem falls under this category:
I saw that post, I am using this for my  own Shoutcast server, and pretty much all of the sessions are from my main account, which has a huge amount of listeners and traffic, but all the usage is legit, as far as I know...
I'll respond to everyone at once here... brace yourselves. :)

My centova database is 2396.82542610 MB in size.

It's only been running since the beginning of 2014, but the visitorstats_sessions table is 2202.52 MB, and the playbackstats_tracks table is 193.59 MB.
That's absolutely outrageous for the visitorstats_sessions table and indicates that your users are hitting your server with poorly-designed scripts or somesuch.  The link AlexiuB provided is definitely relevant to this.

If after running those queries (including the OPTIMIZE TABLE query at the end) you don't see the visitorstats_sessions table shrink to a fraction of that 2.2GB, it likely contains some other form of "pollution" that was pulled in from the SHOUTcast/IceCast logs.  If you contact the helpdesk about this, we can help identify the problem.  (And yes, I know this is irrelevant to you now as you said you ran a DELETE query in a subsequent post; this is just general information for anyone reading.)

This is a problem for me also, and has been for a while, some of my servers have databases so big, backups & migrations usually fail and I must import using another method like big dump.
The solution depends on which tables are large.  Really can't help without knowing that.  If it's the visitorstats_sessions table, and it's disproportionately huge compared to the other tables (like isaacl's situation) then you, too are being hit by bad scripts and need to have the table cleaned up.

I think the optimization process runs on a cron, or at least it should ...
Bear in mind that optimizing the tables does just that -- it optimizes them, via MySQL's OPTIMIZE TABLE query.  Essentially, it performs "garbage collection" for lack of a better term -- freeing up disk space from data that has been marked as deleted via DELETE queries.  It does NOT (and cannot) remove bogus data, because Centova Cast has no way of knowing what's bogus and what's not.

I agree with the others here, we started to see the database get too large and it was slowing down the generation of stats pages.
The only time I've *ever* seen that happen is (again, not to sound like a broken record) with server abuse showing up in the visitorstats_sessions table.

To resolve this, we've enabled the option so that listener sessions less than x seconds (5 seconds in our case) are not stored, as these usually indicate stat checking script
Absolutely the best option (short of educating the users, although obviously that's difficult and may be bad for business) to curb this kind of abuse.

Doing that, and removing all sessions that were less than 5 seconds helped a lot
It should do.  I've seen many cases where doing this, and then optimizing your database, can cut the database down to literally 1/10th or less of its original size.

but I still think there is a lot of DBA that centova could be doing for us as part of its existing db crons e.g. pruning data older than x months (make this a configurable option for admins).
If you have suggestions, I'm all ears.  Removing old statistics is most certainly an option we could add; admittedly, it was my belief that clients would never use it as end-users would demand access to their historical stats.  I've been wrong at least once or twice before, though.  ;)

BTW, before anyone shoots back "but it's better to have less history than having the queries time out", bear in mind that they *shouldn't* ever time out, nor even markedly slow down, if your visitorstats_sessions table is healthy.  We've invested considerable hours in optimizing our SQL queries and database schema over the years to eliminate bottlenecks, and in all but the most massive installations with many tens of thousands of concurrent listeners, every part of the UI should load in a very reasonable amount of time.

I'm not sure on this one, but making sure database entries for deleted accounts are all removed, e.g. track data and playlists, maybe it is, but I swear I've seen stuff from old accounts that aren't on the server!
Older versions (in the 2.x era) had some bugs of this type, but when we implemented the database backup/restore functionality I noticed that a few tables weren't being cleaned up properly.  That was fixed before 3.0 was released, and due to the way the account importer works, it shouldn't have been pulled into v3 from the v2.x database at all.  At this point, AFAIK we aren't leaving any data behind when accounts are terminated (short of situations where the database itself is damaged and a deletion query fails).

Consolidating older stats into monthly figures or something along those lines could help too.
That's certainly an option too, and one that I've considered.  The problem I had with it was that it'd require basically generating static reports (one per month, and maybe one per year) which eliminates the user's ability to zoom/pan/etc. in the graphs over a period of time.  It'd just become a set of static charts.  Want to see performance over a 6-week period in 2014?  Sorry, no can do.  It'd also require a separate statistics viewer for the consolidated stats, as so much of the functionality would be reduced.

That's not to say I wouldn't consider it, just that I fear backlash with changes like this. :)
My centova database is 2396.82542610 MB in size.

It's only been running since the beginning of 2014, but the visitorstats_sessions table is 2202.52 MB, and the playbackstats_tracks table is 193.59 MB.
That's absolutely outrageous for the visitorstats_sessions table and indicates that your users are hitting your server with poorly-designed scripts or somesuch.  The link AlexiuB provided is definitely relevant to this.

If after running those queries (including the OPTIMIZE TABLE query at the end) you don't see the visitorstats_sessions table shrink to a fraction of that 2.2GB, it likely contains some other form of "pollution" that was pulled in from the SHOUTcast/IceCast logs.  If you contact the helpdesk about this, we can help identify the problem.  (And yes, I know this is irrelevant to you now as you said you ran a DELETE query in a subsequent post; this is just general information for anyone reading.)

Just to clarify/follow up on this -

I have my broadcasting software set up to rotate the titles every 30 seconds or so, and I have a lot of listeners as well, so between the two, I'm guessing that the large table may come from that.

I'll definitely follow up with you on this though, so you can see it, and see if there's anything that can be tweaked to make things better - thanks a lot!

As I mentioned previously, I would like to see static reports generated from some of the data - like you said, that removes a lot of the flexibility to generate custom reports, but if you would pull totals for each week, month, etc, once they get past a certain age, that would work perfectly for me.

Thanks a lot!

... removing all sessions that were less than 5 seconds helped a lot,...

Hello I have a similar problem and would like to do what you proposed. How did you remove those sessions? Via SQL query?
And what would this query syntax look like?

I did check this,

but by doing it like that I lose all statistics data for set up period..
 I'd just like to filter out the ones that are most probably false.

Thanks for all the help in advance and br, David