Advanced Ip based Listener Geolocation - inside Countrys

Read 9009 times

I'm wondering if Centovacast could offer more advanced listener geolocation based on IP's?

We have almost 99% listeners inside one country, so just country based listener segmentation is of little use.
But it would be very interesting if we could dig a bit deeper - so to see from wich part of teh country (wich city) the listeners are coming from.

Would this be possible?  And if what are the options?

Thank you for your answer and br, David

Thank you very much.

Found it - and now it works like a charm! :)

Altough one question - i see that city location is currently possible only for current listeners.
Will it be (or is it already) possible to make also history report pie charts depending on the cities as it is now possible on the countries? (Under report - countries) ?

Thnx & br, David