Statics Reports Not working

Read 16744 times
The following commands should restore the stats for the last 48 hours (sorry, can't restore more than that):

for f in /usr/local/centovacast/var/vhosts/*/sc_w3c*.log; do n=${f/sc_w3c_/var\/log\/access.log.}; n=${n%.log}; n=${n/sc_w3c/var\/log\/access.log}; mv $f $n; done

/usr/local/centovacast/bin/ccmanage cronjob --job=logrotate,logprocess

Next, update to the latest Centova Cast version:

And finally you need to update the configuration for every station that is having this issue (you don't actually have to make any modification, just click on Settings and press the Update button) and restart all the station's having this issue. Then things should start working correctly again. (statistics will start being generated every 12 hours)
Last Edit: March 02, 2015, 11:37:25 am by AlexiuB
I was also instructed to update the settings and stop/start the server. The stats/logs will begin recording again but will stop within a couple hours.  This is getting frustrating.

the same problem for me..
it seems that this problem only occurs on servers that have been updated,

I have a question. Once this bug is corrected will we be able to go back to look at records before it went down? Is there any other solution to get the stats back up and running asap such as changing accounts to something other than the SHOUTcast v2 Server?


Unfortunately we are yet to receive any reports of this issue happening to Shoutcast 1 via the helpdesk, which means either the issue is already fixed on the latest release, or nobody is using Shoutcast 1 anymore.

You should probably consider provisioning Shoutcast 2 stations to your clients so that they can make the switch at their convenience.
it seems that this problem only occurs on servers that have been updated,

This has been fixed for Shoutcast 2.4, please try updating to the latest build and if you continue having the same issue, make sure to report this via helpdesk ticket too.