Is it possible to change the font color and font type in the following script :
<script language="javascript">
(function(){ var centovacast = (window.centovacast||(window.centovacast={}));
(centovacast.recenttracks||(centovacast.recenttracks={})).config = {
poll_limit: 60, // specify how many times to poll the server
poll_frequency: 60000, // specify the poll frequency in milliseconds
track_limit: 0, // maximum number of tracks to display (0=all)
show_covers: 0, // 1 to show covers, 0 to hide
scale_covers: 1, // 1 to scale covers to the default size, 0 to allow
// the web page to apply width/height via CSS
buy_target: '_blank' // target frame for "buy now" links