Upgrade license trial for license pay

Read 8506 times

I currently have the trial version of Centova cast, I would buy the license Centova cast for 25 radios. As I upgrade this license to keep the radios already created?

thanks a lot
sure. just follow the next procedure:

To upgrade to a paid license, first you'll need to place an order for the license plan that better meets your needs. You can review our available license plans at http://www.centova.com/pages/castpackages/

Once you have received your new license, you'll have to install your new license key into your existing Centova Cast installation:

Using a unix based text editor such as vi or nano, replace your license key within the license.conf file located at /usr/local/centovacast/etc/license.conf

Delete the current license information by running the following command:

rm- f /usr/local/centovacast/etc/license/license.key

Then just restart Centova Cast:

/etc/init.d/centovacast restart

If you don't get any error messages, then you have successfully switched to your new paid license.
Cannot restart centovacast
[root@radioserver /]# rm -f /usr/local/centovacast/etc/license/license.key
[root@radioserver /]# /etc/init.d/centovacast restart
Stopping Centova Cast: cc-ftpd cc-web cc-appserver cc-control cc-imaged (not run               ning)
Starting Centova Cast: cc-control cc-appserver cc-web cc-ftpd cc-imaged /usr/loc               al/centovacast/sbin/cc-imaged: error while loading shared libraries: libfreetype               .so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
- failed
cc-ftpd cc-web cc-control
[root@radioserver /]#