Server setup for live stream help

Read 4857 times

I'd like to setup v3 to be able to accept a live remote audio source. I'm a little confused.
- Do I need to use AutoDJ when the client is sending MP3 encoded audio?
- Do I need to setup a DJ account, or can the "Source Password" and "account name" in the remote client "password" field?
- The quick link details in the control panel say for v1 to configure client to connect to port 8002. When I do a netstat I cant see any process listening on 8002, but on 8001 ?

You don't need an autoDJ for this (but it's possible to use it as a Fallback for your live stream as well)

Without an autodj just have your client use your station's standard port (the one on which you setup your station), the station's Source Password but nothing for Dj account.
Thanks have it all working now :P