if it's an issue with v2.2.1, unless it's notified to a SHOUTcast dev with a lot more details than what i'm seeing mentioned in here, there's little which can be done to fix said issue. as v2.0 is not a supported DNAS build and is not advised to be used (especially since it doesn't handle Directory issues very well unlike v2.2.1 i.e. if the YP acts up as is happening due to the recent transition it'll allow listeners to keep connecting which v2.0 will not and will in fact block listeners completely).
so like any issue, the more details which are able to be provided (and also actually informing people related to the product as there's been no recent posts on the official forums in relation to such an issue) in order to triage it and do what can be done to get a resolution to the issue (hence why i'm having to trawl other forums to find issues being reported...).