Resellers ability to set crossfade

Read 9003 times
Just wanted to mention in here, since I did find a few different posts about it.

Giving resellers the ability to set crossfade for their own accounts or their own clients accounts, and of course keeping the ability for Admins.

Maybe also adding in the possible ability for individual clients.

I know there is a setting in centovacast.conf for allow clients to set crossfade themselves (CLIENT_ENCODER_SETTINGS=true), but that allows "all" clients the ability to do that.
CrossFire-Hosting LLC.
Under ices/icescc, changing the crossfade will force stream re-encoding even if the admin has disabled it.  Accordingly this has been made an admin-only option to avoid surprising the admin with higher CPU usage than he was expecting.  We could implement this only for liquidsoap/sctrans2, I suppose, if that would be of use to anyone?