Player widget

Read 13212 times
Add the muses player you see in the start page to the widget list. Clients often contact support just for asking the html code.
I think we have had about 20 or so clients asking for a way to add this player to their webpages... Theres gotta be an easier way to set this up so they can use this.
CrossFire-Hosting LLC.
The same thing happens to me all the time. Player in Widgets section would be really cool. - stream hosting - radio automation software
The same thing happens to me all the time. Player in Widgets section would be really cool.

Voor een betaalbare streaming en goede support tevens kunnen wij uw voor radio stations een app maken voor android en ios,
it is crucial, 99% of the customers ask us to give them a player to add to their website.
With new version and other fixes does anybody know if there is a Flash mini player that displays album art that listeners could  download. Also was wondering if there have been any improvements on the size and quality of album art. I have been extremely disappointed with the blurry images that Centova produces and you cannot make images bigger because the image becomes worse.

If anybody could advise with something I am not aware of, recommend, etc I will be greatly appreciated.