Change IP to Custom Name

Read 9384 times
I have been trying to look this up and follow a few post but I still am a little in the dark as to whether or not this is possible.
I want to be able to take the IP and replace it with Name for a Station 8).

I have:

I want: http://MyStationName:8000/

Does anyone know how to do this and if so please Help.

I would love to see this feature in the cPanel someday too.
Thanks in advance :-)
I tried this, for a Per-Account
SELFREF_HOSTNAME I changed to true and put in a custum hostname. saved and closed but it didn't take effect.
What did I do wrong?
Did you run the restart for Centova Cast ?

Code: [Select]
/etc/init.d/centovacast restart
CrossFire-Hosting LLC.